SensorSwitch 101812 High Bay Aisleway, Recessed, Low Volt, PIR RM 50 Sensor
The RM 50 Series High Bay Aisleway occupancy sensor provides bi-directional detection extending 70-110 ft when mounted at heights of 30-45 ft. Specifically designed to recess mount into a standard 4" x 4" square junction box or fixture cavity of the same size, the sensor's view pattern covers the area lit by three typically spaced high bay fixtures. Therefore, when mounted at a fixture, the coverage area extends out to the area that is lighted by each of the neighboring fixtures. This effect is useful with some ballasts that have a delay such that when traveling in a fork-lift truck, lighting needs to be initiated on ahead of the truck. Multiple fixture control is best handled by using multiple RM 50 sensors together as needed. For example to achieve total aisleway sensing, use the HM 10 at each end and RM 50s in the center section all wired to one power pack. When used with standard power packs, these sensors are ideal for on/off control of T5/T8 fluorescent lighting. However, HID bi-level fixtures can also be controlled when the RM 50 is partnered with a PP20 SH power pack with the start-to-high feature. Multiple Time Delay Settings