WaveLinx COOP-1089167 WaveLinx Wired Serial Interface (SI-2-D) by Cooper Lighting
- Configurable RS232 COMMS via 9 pin female D-type (Send/Receive)
- Adjustable baud rates of 1200, 2400, 4800,9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
- 100 RS232 Output Strings, up to 255 bytes each (ASCII or Hex)
- 100 Output Actions, triggered by a ÒtriggerÓ CAN message
- 100 RS232 Input Filters, up to 255 bytes each (ASCII or Hex)
- 100 Input Actions, triggered by a match on an input filter
- 16 Sequences, each with a maximum of 128 actions
- Status LEDs