When a low voltage signal from a switch is received by a relay, it can connect or disconnect power to an accessory. Volvo Penta relay (21767816) makes or breaks a circuit by activating an electromagnet that pulls a series of contacts. These are widely utilized in the electrical systems of automobiles. Using a relay keeps the higher voltage out of the vehicle's passenger compartment and is often less stressful on the electrical system. If a relay is used to allow higher voltage switching in the engine compartment, the risks of an interior fire are greatly reduced if something fails and shorts. This also lowers the demand for the inner fuse panel, reducing the strain on it. It enables the use of lighter gauge wire. The longer the wire, the higher the resistance. You utilize less of the heavier gauge wire by using a relay close to the item being switched.
Key Features:
High quality in any weather conditions.
Conserve energy.
Prolong the life of the engine and device.
Improve the efficiency of a device.
Volvo Penta Exploded view / schematic trim pump