Ligman Lighting USA UMN-9XXXX Martini Streetlight, IDA: Horizontal non-adjustable
A slim pole mount area light with a variety of different distributions to suit all lighting designer's requirements. The Martini can be utilized to suit specific light patterns using the asymmetrical type II, III, IV and symmetrcial lens optics, as well as variations of these for precise light distribution requirements. An example of this is using a combination of Type II & Type IV distribution optics inside the same fixture. This luminaire is suitable for most applications and complies to dark sky requirements. Designed for lighting private roadways, car parks, exhibition areas, servie stations and truck stops. Internal house side shields are available as an optoin. Available with a selection of integral electronic drivers and dimming electronic drivers as well as a provision to install wireless lighting controls to integrate with building management systems, as well as integrated occupancy sensors. Easy access to the luminaire for maintenance.
A slim pole mount area light with a variety of different distributions to suit all lighting designer's requirements. The Martini can be utilized to suit specific light patterns using the asymmetrical type II, III, IV and symmetrcial lens optics, as well as variations of these for precise light distribution requirements. An example of this is using a combination of Type II & Type IV distribution optics inside the same fixture. This luminaire is suitable for most applications and complies to dark sky requirements. Designed for lighting private roadways, car parks, exhibition areas, servie stations and truck stops. Internal house side shields are available as an optoin. Available with a selection of integral electronic drivers and dimming electronic drivers as well as a provision to install wireless lighting controls to integrate with building management systems, as well as integrated occupancy sensors. Easy access to the luminaire for maintenance.