Leviton 47690-G6 1 x 6 (6-Way) 2GHz Passive Video Splitter
1 x 6 (6-Way) 2GHz Passive Video Splitter
Use 6- and 8-way 2GHz Passive Video Splitters and Passive Video Splitter Modules to split digital cable, quality cable TV and off-air signals to 4, 6 or 8 televisions throughout a home or office. The Video Splitter Modules are designed for easy installation in any Leviton 14", 28" or 42" Structured Media Enclosure. The Video Splitters are easily installed in Leviton MDU Enclosures or used in any application where a passive video splitter is needed.
- Split video signals with outputs for six or eight televisions
- Provide digital cable, cable TV, and other video services via coaxial cable to any room in a house or office
- Durable gold-plated 360-degree insert pin resists oxidation, maintaining a distortion-free signal for digital data transmission
- Weather sealed F-ports up to 30 PSI
- 75 Ohm termination caps with splitter modules
- 6kV surge protection
- Built-in capacitors on all ports block DC or low-frequency AC and also prevent current from flowing through splitter's ferrite core windings that cause hum modulation
- High-quality plating passes 1200-hour salt spray test
- Maintains low temperature stability from Ð40¡C to 85¡ C both in isolation and return loss