Holophane 1315623 Washington Postlite¨ Glass Acorn (HID) Washington Postlite - Glass
For city streets, parking lots, campuses, commercial developments, plazas, historic districts, village squares, residential areas, parks, walkways, boulevards, and roadways. This classic is styled to replicate the acorn luminaires which beautified city streets during the first half of the 20th century. Designed for superior optical control, along with ease of installation and maintenance, the Washington PostLite luminaire incorporates a precision prismatic glass optical system for unparalleled performance and beauty. The following are product attributes for the Washington Series luminaires: urban scaled product; permanent, durable borosilicate glass reflector/refractor design; prismatic light control; IESNA type ll, lll, lV, and V lighting distributions; Lunar Optics option (IESNA Cutoff); two decorative housing choices; decorative trim variety including finials, covers, ribs and bands wide choice of low and high wattage lamp sources in high pressure sodium, metal halide, Induction, and incandescent