Southwire MC51 FMC-PCS Duoª Fixture Whip Assembly
Copper Power & Control/Signal Conductors. THHN/THWN & TFN Insulated Singles. Green Insulated Grounding Conductor. Full-Sized Bare Aluminum Equipment Grounding/Bonding Conductor. Power: 12 AWG & 10 AWG THHN. Signal: 16 AWG TFN. UL Listed. 600 Volts. Rated VW-1. Rated 90¼C Dry Locations. Lightweight Aluminum Interlocked Armor is part of redundant equipment bonding/grounding path. Southwire¨ MC-PCS HCF Duoª Cable meets the NEC and UL listing requirements for combining power/lighting circuits and Class 2 or Class 3 signal or control circuits in the same cable.
Copper Power & Control/Signal Conductors. THHN/THWN & TFN Insulated Singles. Green Insulated Grounding Conductor. Full-Sized Bare Aluminum Equipment Grounding/Bonding Conductor. Power: 12 AWG & 10 AWG THHN. Signal: 16 AWG TFN. UL Listed. 600 Volts. Rated VW-1. Rated 90¼C Dry Locations. Lightweight Aluminum Interlocked Armor is part of redundant equipment bonding/grounding path. Southwire¨ MC-PCS HCF Duoª Cable meets the NEC and UL listing requirements for combining power/lighting circuits and Class 2 or Class 3 signal or control circuits in the same cable.