Rare Dankness Perfecta BASE
Rare Dankness Perfecta BASE is the building block of the Rare Dankness Perfecta Nutrient line. Perfecta BASE helps simplify the Rare Dankness formula, with a minimal number of components. Perfecta BASE is used in each stage of the growing process, from cloning to blooming. Perfecta BASE is compatible with all injectors and fertigation systems. Rare Dankness provides an online nutrient calculator to aid in mixing concentrated formulas for injector or fertigation systems.
Rare Dankness Perfecta BASE
Rare Dankness Perfecta BASE is the building block of the Rare Dankness Perfecta Nutrient line. Perfecta BASE helps simplify the Rare Dankness formula, with a minimal number of components. Perfecta BASE is used in each stage of the growing process, from cloning to blooming. Perfecta BASE is compatible with all injectors and fertigation systems. Rare Dankness provides an online nutrient calculator to aid in mixing concentrated formulas for injector or fertigation systems.
- Rare Dankness’ high standard of quality
- Guaranteed free of heavy metals
- Increases harvest weight, potency, and terpenes
- Easy custom mixing for all types of growing situations
- Compatible with all hydroponics and fertigation systems
- Compatible with all growing media
- Mixes easily in room-temperature water