JESCO’s MAGNETRAX MINI Magnetic Showcase Series is a system of Light Bars providing multiple 20¡ spots that add sparkle (light bars with diffused 120¡ light are also available) and may be linked in many configurable patterns to flawlessly and discreetly light many types of displays – allowing the product to be the focus.
The Light Bars are available in standard lengths of 1′, 2′, 3′, and 4′ but are also quickly made to order in any length up to 57″ in 2 _” increments.
The light bars attach and are powered magnetically making installation simple and quick. The light bars also rotate 360¡ after installation making the aiming of a display precise as well as easy.
The MSD Showcase system allows designers to mount linear light bars either directly to a surface or offset a tabletop, shelf or wall with the use of stems cut-to-size up to 24_.
Using magnetic connectors, light bars can be standalone or coupled to form LÕs, UÕs, and complete closed rectangles or squares by using the L-connectors.
Light Bar types, sizes, and CCTs can be mixed and matched within a run.
JESCO offers free design assistance for any other of our product lines.